Use the Accomplishment tracker to track whether or not you successfully accomplished or failed to accomplish something during your practice.
In order to be able to add and configure trackers for topics, you must be able to create your own practice topics. Creating practice topics is a feature that is only available for Premium subscribers.
This tracker has the following configuration options:
Property | Value | Purpose |
Ball Count | (optional) | The number of balls to hit. |
Goal | (optional) | How many successes are needed to accomplish the goal. |
Retry Failures | Default OFF | If ON, retry the goal if it is not meet. |
Ball Timer |
Default OFF Number of seconds when ON |
A countdown timer to use for hitting each ball. Entry into the tracker is disabled unless the timer is at zero. |
Club Sequencing |
(optional) |
Define a sequence of clubs to use, including random club selection. |
Random Distance (Min) |
Default OFF Minimum number of yards when ON |
A minimum random distance for each ball. |
Random Distance (Max) |
Default OFF Maximum number of yards when ON |
A maximum random distance for each ball. |
Random Shape |
Default OFF |
Randomly specify a shot shape for each ball. |
Random Trajectory |
Default OFF |
Randomly specify a shot trajectory for each ball. |
Random Ball Position |
Default OFF |
Randomly specify the position to place the ball within your stance. |
Random Aim Direction |
Default OFF |
Randomly select a target direction to aim at on the driving range for each ball. |
The image below shows what the Accomplishment tracker looks like when in use on a session topic with every configurable feature enabled.
The information blocks in order are:
- HIT IN -- This is the ball timer.
- BALLS -- Indicates how many balls total are intended to be hit.
- REMAIN -- Indicates how many balls remain to be hit. This is a button that can be used to increase the number of balls to hit during the session.
- YDS -- Indicates how many yards you should try to hit the shot. In this case it is randomly chosen to be 125 which falls within a reasonable range for the randomly selected Pitching Wedge (it gets this yardage from the carry yardage specified for the club in your bag). This is a button that can be used to randomly select a different yardage. If the club sequencer is not used, this yardage is randomly chosen based on the range specified during configuration
- SHAPE -- Indicates what shot shape to attempt. In this case it is "str8" (abbreviation for "straight") but it may also be draw or fade.
- TRAJ -- Indicates what trajectory to attempt which can be high, mid, or low.
- BALL -- Indicates what position to place the ball in your stance which can be front, ahead, nom (for nominal), mid, back, or behind.
- AIM -- Indicates which direction (or target) to aim at which can be front, left or right.
Below the information blocks is where the club choice would be. This block will only show if the club sequencer is used.
Next are the buttons to record results for this tracker. You are to either record failure or success. The buttons "Record Failure" and "Record Success" are enabled in this screenshot because the timer (indicated in the "Hit In" block) is at zero seconds. When the timer is not at zero seconds and is counting down, these buttons are disabled and cannot be pushed. When a timer is not configured for this tracker, the buttons are always enabled.
The final section shows a running tally of results. For this tracker example the goal is also shown since a goal was configured.
There is also 1 tool button in the top right corner.
- Curled Arrow -- Undo the last entry and give a ball back. Use this to change if the shot was a success or failure in case the wrong button was pushed.
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