Practice and goals notes text formatting is done with what is called "Markdown". You write out your notes with plain text, but if you want something to be bold, italics, or a larger heading you use some additional special characters with the text.
Headings (#)
To create headings, use the character # like so:
# Heading 1
to create a large heading:
Large Heading
And use additional # characters for subheadings like so:
## A smaller heading, level 2
### A smaller heading, level 3
Italics (*)
To create text that is in italics, surround the text that you want to format as italics with an asterisk at the beginning and the end, like so:
The *general penalty* will take effect due to your lost ball.
Bold (**)
To create text that is bold, surround the text that you want to format as bold with a double-asterisk at the beginning and the end, like so:
Make sure you hold the grip **firmly** but not too tight.
If you want to indicate that some block of text is of significance, such as a quote from a famous golfer, start the paragraph with the "greater-than" symbol >:
> "A good golfer has the determination to win and the patience to wait for the breaks." - Gary Player
Bulleted Lists
You can list out items in a list with bullets by starting each line with a dash - symbol.
- Look at the target
- Take a deep breath
- Step up to the ball
- Hit the ball
That make a list but with bullets:
- Look at the target
- Take a deep breath
- Step up to the ball
- Hit the ball
Numbered Lists
You can list out items in a list in order, with numbers, by starting each line with a 1 followed by a period, like so:
1. Look at the target
1. Take a deep breath
1. Step up to the ball
1. Hit the ball
That will make an ordered list:
- Look at the target
- Take a deep breath
- Step up to the ball
- Hit the ball
Web Links
You can also add a website link to your notes. It's a bit more tricky, but the format looks like this:
[text to show](
A real example of this could be:
Why being inconsistent in your practice is [the real key to consistency]( on the course
Which would look something like this:
Why being inconsistent in your practice is the real key to consistency on the course.
If you need to see how your notes will appear with the formatting you've used, tap the Preview button while editing the note.
Markdown formatting is available in "My Golf" versions 3.12 and later.
Full List of Formatting Options
*italics* or _italics_
**bold** or __bold__
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 ######
> block quote
- Bulleted
- Lists
- Including indented lists
- Up to three levels
- Neat!
1. Ordered
1. Lists
1. Including indented lists
- Up to three levels
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