The purpose of this article is to communicate with you what is on the My Golf product roadmap. It will highlight what our workload is for the app so that you know what to expect in upcoming releases. Dates can't be exact, but if specific version numbers are indicated then it's highly likely that is when items will become available. The roadmap will focus on highlighting new features as well as notable improvements on existing features.
Scheduled for a Release
This section summarizes the features, improvements, and important bugs that we are currently working on and will be released in the next version of the app. This list isn't everything -- it's just the interesting stuff.
Version 3.25
Planning is in progress.
Near-term Plans
This section summarizes the features and improvements that we plan to do with the app within the next 12 months. These are things that we've definitely committed to doing (and not necessarily in order) though we can't say yet which version they will end up in.
- Pin Positions
The golf course map data service that we are partnered with does not have pin position data. However, we've been discussing ways in which we could provide you with features to enable you to specify them yourself on the courses that you play and, thus, be able to select what the day's pin position is when creating a round.
- Practice Session Templates
We've found that it's quite common to structure practice sessions a certain way and also that there can be a logical grouping of various practice topics that support each other and are regularly practiced together.
Therefore, we'll be adding a feature to allow you to create and save practice session templates that you can repeatedly use to create your practice schedule. And when you are ready to schedule a session you can select a template from your list. This can also be a great way to plan out sessions in advance without having to put them in your schedule.
We'll also include an initial set of sample templates.
- Auto-Build Practice Sessions
The ultimate goal has been to have the capability to automatically generate practice sessions for you. It can use the recommended topic list as input but also stuff like when you are available and how much time you have to practice. There could be at least two forms of this: a wizard to help guide you, automatically generate some ephemeral sessions and present them in the UI for you to chose to schedule or not. They will also need to take into account phases if you have a periodization schedule set up.
- Second Ball
We'll add support for the USGA rule 20c(3) "Playing Two Balls When Uncertain What to Do." No other golf app in the universe does this and we want to be the first.
- Automatic Shot Detection
Using the Apple Watch, automatically detect shots. The primary use case is for on the golf course to help reduce how much interaction needs to be done with your phone while playing. However, there are also opportunities here to help automate certain aspects of practice as well.
- Swing Video Capture
The app needs to allow us golfers to capture our swings with the cameras on them while we are practicing. We want you to be able to attached videos and photos to your practice sessions and notes so that you can easily reference them later.
- Launch Monitor Modes on Various Tracker Recorders
Some trackers (such as Dispersion Tendency) have buttons for approximate results. For golfers with launch monitors, such as TrackMan™ or SkyTrak™, various trackers will be configurable to allow you to input relevant numbers reported from the launch monitor so that you do not have to approximate the result and pseudo-guess (or calculate numbers in your head) to decide which result button to push.
- Support for SkyTrak+
SkyTrak+ now exists and can capture clubhead data. So the app needs a new tracker recorder that supports this new launch monitor.
- Sharing Your Custom Topics
Related to "Practice Session Templates", we'll be adding the ability to be able to share your custom-built practice topics with your fellow golfers.
- Practice Session Template Sharing
You'll be able to share your practice session templates with your fellow golfers who also use the app.
- Live Activity for Play
iOS 16 introduced live activities as well as the Dynamic Island on iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max phones. We are late to the party, so this needs to be added for when rounds are in progress.
- Metric vs. Imperial Units (Some plumbing code has been started)
The app assumes you are interested in yards/ft/in and not meters. Now while everybody in the U.S. is fine with this, not all of our Canadian friends will be nor will the rest of the world. So we'll be adding the ability to specify your desired distance units in your profile if you want it to be different than the "Measurement Setting" setting of your device (located in the phone's "Settings > General > Language & Region" screen.
- Support Articles Focused on Concepts (Currently ongoing)
The app has had virtually no support articles and we need to change that. We've been reluctant to provide many due to the constantly changing appearance of the app and we didn't want things to be out of date so quickly. This fact isn't going to necessarily change anytime soon, however there are many concepts within the app that are UI/UX independent and can be defined, discussed and presented to you as support articles.
- Achievements with Trophies
We want to have a huge list of achievements in the app for you all to try to win. These kinds of things are an extra bonus that will make it simply more fun and rewarding to use the app. And they, in essence, serve as goals to improve our skills.
- Custom Scorecards (Mostly already built but not good enough yet)
Unfortunately not every course is available for download even though the app has >38,000 of them worldwide. So we are going to give you a way to input scorecards manually for courses that do not have a downloadable map and scorecard. You'll be able to create custom scorecards for existing courses too -- perhaps you have your own set of tee combinations that you play, or there are junior/family tees on the course but aren't part of the course install, or you have a tournament coming up that are not played on a standard set of tees.
Long-term Plans
The purpose of this section is to highlight the features and improvements that we plan to do with the app over the long haul (in no particular order or ranking), but it's not clear when these things will be created -- and some of them may never. Some of these things may be on this list for a very long time. And some will get moved into the near-term plans section.
- Pre-Shot Routine Builder
Find the perfect pre-shot routine that works for you. Build up pre-shot routines in the app and test them out.
- Round Planner
Plan out a round, hole-by-hole and shot-by-shot. Execute the plan during practice rounds to test it out before your upcoming tournaments.
- Practice-/Meta- Activities During Non-Tournament Rounds
There are many kinds of practice and meta activities that you could do during practice rounds to help get the most of your non-tournament rounds. Perhaps there are certain types of shots that you want to try out, different routines you are curious about, or want to have a button to push to indicate how you felt after each shot.
- Aspirations
There is such thing as a very lofty goal; or a goal that is so subjective that it's not in and of itself actionable. These are aspirations. And to make them achievable, you can attach goals to them that support the aspiration. Progress toward those goals is progress toward the aspiration.
- Green Reading Maps
We are looking into finding a vendor that can provide green reading maps for the golf courses.
- Transparency with Recommended Topics
It would be helpful to see what caused a topics recommendation rank to go up or down in the user interface. Being transparent like this will help you understand why a topic is being recommended. And it will also allow all of us (and you) to provide feedback as to how to improve the recommendation engine.
- Auto-Detect Progress on Goals
The ultimate goal has been to automatically detect progress on goals and to indicate if they have been achieved or not for you.
- Auto-Recommend Goals
Present you with suggested goals based on your skill category, skill assessment results, and recorded round data.
- Expanded Emphasis on Practice Accessories
A lot of practice topics describe various accessories that are needed in order to perform them -- or imply that you need them. We want to expand upon those more and make it more visually clear that a topic needs accessories and list out separately from the body of the main text what those accessories are. And we will want to make it possible to search for topics that require or don't require accessories so that you can plan practice sessions from those perspectives.
It would also be cool for a practice session to list out all of the accessories you'll need for it without you having to look at each topic individually to figure that out the hard way.
- Auto-Recurring Practice Items
To add the ability to have mini-practice items (in isolation) on the practice view that appear on a user-configurable auto-recurring basis. Examples would include: 1. go outside on your practice mat and hit 20 balls, 2. get up out of your work chair and run through your entire pre-, during- and post-routine, 3. practice your swing in slow motion 5 times, and 4. take 5 minutes and remember as many of the greatest shots on the course that you ever hit.
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